My Name is David Jack Hale


My name is David Jack Hale...

I was born and raised on Bayou Heron in South Mississippi. I grew up in a household that did not put God as a priority in life. In fact, years of my early childhood was in a bar and lounge that my family owned. I was raised by my mother and grandfather because my father spent most of my life in prison (God Rest his soul as we had a great and forgiven 10 years before he passed).

When I was 16 years old (June 5th, 2002), I made a decision that changed my life forever. I chose to drive after having been drinking alcohol the entire day before getting behind the wheel. Fortunately, I wrecked the car and survived. I spent the next 6 months in a hospital and in physical therapy. I was paralyzed from the middle of my chest down, becoming a Paraplegic at a very young age. At that time, I became depressed and addicted to drugs and alcohol. At one point, I was homeless, living in a cardboard box and tent, sleeping on the ground as I had traded my items for drugs. I even contemplated suicide numerous times after actually attempting it once.

On August 7, 2011, another decision changed my life. This decision was more powerful than the first. A few months after giving my life to Jesus Christ and being born again, I was baptized and washed clean of ALL Sin I had previously lived in! Since that day, life has been amazing! I’ve obtained my GED, Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree in Psychology, and Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling em: Mental Health.

I now counsel people with alcohol and drug addictions. I am a motivational and inspirational speaker, mentor, educator, and an on-FIRE Christ-like brother to ALL People who will willingly give an ear.

This is for young to old, lost to found, those in the valley or on top of the mountain; about the choices they make and the consequences of those choices.

My mission is to spread the Gospel, the word of Jesus Christ, to show, witness, testify, and proclaim TO ALL people how He can and Will change their lives for the better when or if they surrender unto Him. I want to show people that with Jesus there is truly “NO LIMITS” on what you can do.

My message is to truly inspire and “PUSH” others to make their… “Tragedy to Triumph; Pain into Purpose, & Purpose into Passion!; There’s NO-dis in My ABILITY nor YOURS!; Come 1, Come ALL; He left the 99 to SAVE THE 1!; CHOOSE to Surender!; Baptized & Born Again; His holy Fire; Burn the Old Man, Anoint the New!; Pay-it-Forward;

#We’re a Pair Ah-Para’s, Rolling 2 Save Souls! #LifeWithoutLimits #TESTIFY!!!

Let’s Life and heal!

Let’s encourage, not discourage.

Let’s teach, educate, prevent, promote and pay-it-forward.

Let’s inspire, lead, guide, hope, believe, and love!

Let’s strive to conquer, overcome, and run the race to win the prize!

Let’s do it with faith, hope, joy, peace, love, and power in Jesus’ name!

Come join us on our mission

to help, to guide and to save one person at a time!