
Breaking Chains!

Living without Limits

From Knocked Down, to Getting Back Up & Crushing the Enemy - David Hale's inspiring story and message takes you from desperation to inspiration!

The Word Ministry
Counseling Helping & Supporting
Education Guiding & Teaching

Events & Speaking Engagement

David Hale's presentations are educating, informing, inspiring, entertaining, and persuading.

Business Motivational & Team Building
Schools Supporting & Engaging
Non-Profits Helping Those in Need
Understanding & Support

Counseling, Guidance & Mentorship

Counseling, guidance, and mentorship are three distinct but related forms of support and assistance that can help individuals navigate various aspects of their personal and professional lives.

Counseling Therapeutic Relationship
Guidance Education & Personal Development
Mentorship One-One Counsel

Ministry & Paying it Forward

Working together with the church & Pastors to Pay it Forward to those in Need!

Kindness Charity & Volunteering
Community Welfare & Community Development
Personal Faith Mentorship & Groups
David Hale

My Story

I was born and raised on Bayou Heron in South Mississippi. I grew up in a household that did not put God as a priority in life. In fact, years of my early childhood was in a bar and lounge that my family owned. I was raised by my mother and grandfather because my father spent most of my life in prison (God Rest his soul as we had a great and forgiven 10 years before he passed).

When I was 16 years old (June 5th, 2002), I made a decision that changed my life forever. I chose to drive after having been drinking alcohol the entire day before getting behind the wheel. Fortunately, I wrecked the car and survived. I spent the next 6 months in a hospital and in physical therapy. I was paralyzed from the middle of my chest down, becoming a Paraplegic at a very young age. At that time, I became depressed and addicted to drugs and alcohol. At one point, I was homeless, living in a cardboard box and tent, sleeping on the ground as I had traded my items for drugs. I even contemplated suicide numerous times after actually attempting it once.

Raised on Bayou Heron Childhood
Life Changing Decision Teens
Tough Times Young Adult
The Steps

Overcoming Trauma & Addiction

This is one of the world’s best-known hikes and will reward those willing to break a sweat with a stunning combination of mountainscapes, cloud forests, and jungles.

The first step is recognizing and acknowledging that you have a problem with trauma and addiction. This self-awareness is crucial for making positive changes.

Connect with professional therapists and supportive friends and family members who can encourage and assist you throughout your recovery journey.

Work with a therapist to understand the nature of your trauma or addiction. This may involve exploring the traumatic events, their impact, and coping mechanisms you’ve developed.

Establish achievable goals for your recovery. Break down long-term objectives into smaller, manageable steps and implement a daily routine that includes positive activities.

Identify and avoid situations, people, and environments that trigger cravings or traumatic memories. This may involve making significant lifestyle changes.

Work on repairing and building healthy relationships with loved ones. Family therapy can be helpful in this process.

Recovery is an ongoing process, and relapses are common. If a relapse occurs, don’t be discouraged; instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and make necessary adjustments.

Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Staying connected with others who understand your journey can help maintain long-term recovery.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8