Ministry & Paying it Forward
``Life Over Death and Faith Over Fear``
We thrive to inspire and encourage those who feel like they are nothing, think all is lost, and insist that they are past the point of no return to realize that in due time, Christ Will “make all things new again!”
The day that we “choose” to God-up and take back control over our lives, become limitless over-comers, and realize that we “can do all things through Christ who gives us strength (Phil 4:13)” is finally when we realize “today, is the first day of the rest of our lives!”
Let’s Life and heal!
Let’s encourage, not discourage.
Let’s teach, educate, prevent, promote and pay-it-forward.
Let’s inspire, lead, guide, hope, believe, and love!
Let’s strive to conquer, overcome, and run the race to win the prize!
Let’s do it with faith, hope, joy, peace, love, and power in Jesus’ name!